To the boys I thought I loved,
I let you into my life and I will never be the same because of it. You took everything from me but still it wasn’t enough. All the things I loved about myself you stole from me and snuffed out the light in my heart. Any time you wanted sex, you took it, whether I consented or not. If I wasn’t in the mood, or tried to say no, or that it hurt, I was guilted. You made me feel like a bad girlfriend, like a bad person. You made me feel like I was withholding something that belonged to you. My life, my body, my mind, were not mine when I was with you. I was a prisoner to you. I wasn’t allowed to have friends, spend time with my family, or work too much because it took time away from you. Nothing I ever did was enough for you though was it? Only in the moments that I completely succumbed to you and your will was I worthy in your eyes.
You broke me. I was a zombie, devoid of all real feeling. Even still, I couldn’t leave you. You manipulated me over and over, telling me this was how it was supposed to be, that we were meant for each other, and that I was your only reason for living. The thought that you might ever hurt yourself was too great for me to leave. You knew that I had been through all of that before and you chose to put me through it again. I put my trust in you and you used my pain to enter my mind and control me.
We almost ended it a few times, but you would break down, begging me to stay and promising it would get better. It never did. After months of being beaten down, abused, and drained of everything I had, I gave up. I no longer cared if we lived or died, I just wanted to be free again. But even now that I have cut you both out of my life I’m still not free. I still feel guilty about having fun with my friends. I still look over my shoulder now and again for fear that you will be there. I still don’t see myself as worthy and I blame myself for everything that goes wrong because you told me I was never good enough.
Your hold over my thoughts has not yet faded away but I’m getting better everyday. Most days I feel genuinely happy again. I’m getting my life back bit by bit and I will never like anyone like you take it away again.
~ l m d